Capstone Project I

  • Instructor:  TBD
  • Level: Expert
  • Study time: 40 hours
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The main purpose of a capstone project is to provide students with an opportunity to define and analyze a problem, present their analytical findings and develop solutions. The capstone project enables students to develop and refine their professional skills and experience. Integrating and extending professional practice knowledge and skills gained in the program, students will develop a critical understanding of their personal and professional strengths and limitations. An important goal of the capstone project is to simulate as much as possible the professional world. Students must expect some changes to their initial plans. There will invariably be challenges along the way, and they must be flexible and adaptable. The benefit of completing the capstone project is that it will showcase the students’ depth of knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge, which also allows the opportunity to show prospective employers the students’ acquired skill set and how it might be utilized in the workplace. The Web Development Bootcamp Capstone Project will allow students to build a portfolio of their weekly project assignments to showcase what they have learnt.
  • Video time: 4 hours
  • Projects: 1
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